Our Stories

We are a team of 11 individuals from around the world who want to make the world better for horses and humans.

We have a global vision for partnering with animals and the earth to shift the paradigms of our civilization into one of collaboration rather than domination. We currently are in the planning stages for our first sanctuary in California. It will support a herd of horses who work with us to cultivate beautiful spaces that will energize and evolve ourselves and the inhabitants. 

We aim to work in partnership with animals and plants to support thriving ecosystems. We listen and learn through stepping back and allowing the plants and animals to show us their ways to cultivate peace and freedom in alignment with the natural laws of the universe. 


We will find our place supporting each other as we live and grow together.

Exploring consciousness is a key factor in why we want to create these spaces. We will strive to make our everyday decisions from a place of expanded awareness.

Long term goals include setting up sanctuaries worldwide as a network to support positive ways to share the earth. We aim to build a healthy, sustainable lifestyle within the sanctuaries that can then lead to the development of other sanctuaries until they become a network of places where people and animals live and learn in peace and freedom.

Learn more about us by reading our transformational stories below.

Stormy May

A snort like crackling fire, a plume of a tail high above her back, the bright filly stood out from the other weanlings. She leapt like a dancer, her hooves disdaining the earth, her body hovering as she soared from one half of the round pen to the other.

Even though she was of Dutch Warmblood breeding, her Spanish name, La Mancha, spoke of the crazy dream that I was embarking on. – Read more

Maria Olofsdotter Jonsson

To quote Michael Bevilacqua telling his story in the book Beyond the Dream Horse, “In short, I have ended up where I wanted to start. There was just years in between where I was sidetracked by existing norms in the horse world, which is, really, a human world using horses.”

I started my journey with horses some 20 years ago. Even though I went to the riding school as a child I don’t consider that time as a time where I was looking for a true relationship with a horse, it was more like a period in my life of trying to find friends.

My parents were constantly moving from one city to another, either due to my father’s career or my mother’s depression so I did never get the chance to make friends for long.  – Read more

Susanne Neubauer

I was not born into an animal family. My family is a working family, not working poor, but working. My grandmother used to kill newborn kittens and my aunt managed to find a hunter to shoot the family dog when it was his time. This must have happened in Upper Bavaria shortly after WWII and before I was able to judge and speak. My first contact with animals was through fairytales. I was a child who did not speak at all, but I made drawings of trees and horses. – Read more

Lucie Votypkova

The story of me and horses started when I was very small. There was a stable with a big pasture near our house. We passed it along the way to kindergarten. I stopped and watched horses from a distance and admired how beautiful they were. I remember I felt a huge desire to connect with them and touch their coats.

When I grew a little older I stopped by almost every day, cut a little grass to attract them and gave it to them in exchange for the opportunity to gently touch their head and nose. After some time it was not enough. I wanted to be with them and engage, so I sneaked with my friend who shared my passion for horses into the pasture when nobody was looking. – Read more

Jennie Hellkvist

It changed so subtly somehow. It wasn’t a big explosion, it just happened. 

I was like any young girl, I started riding when I was about 8. My first riding school was run by a real character, she was a tall, thin lady with red lipstick and caked powder and false eyelashes that were never stuck on properly. She did teach us to take care of the animal, not just to look good. We were riding but she set the horse care basics for me.

Everyone eventually went to a more fancy school. The next riding school I went to was more about wearing the right clothes. The horses and the ponies didn’t seem to matter much. When I left that school, there was a period of about 20 years when I didn’t have contact with horses because I was living in London. – Read more

Ildiko Pap

Coming soon

Vicki Reesor

Coming soon

Cate Adams

Coming soon

Julie Bandalin

Coming soon

Natalie Brent

Coming soon


Janette Colloby

Coming soon